What Is a Digital Footprint? : It's Pros and Cons

A digital footprint is the trail of information we leave behind while using digital technology. It’s like our online shadow, tracking our interactions, behaviors, and preferences.  We create digital footprints by using the Internet, social media, credit cards, loyalty cards, GPS systems, and more. These footprints accumulate over time.
Various entities (like card issuers, advertisers, and law enforcement) can access this data. They piece together our identity and use it in different ways.

Digital footprints help detect fraudulent activities. By analyzing patterns, companies can spot unusual behavior and prevent fraud. Ever noticed how online ads seem to know your interests? That’s personalization! Companies recommend products based on your preferences, enhancing your online experience. Companies can offer tailored incentives (discounts, rewards) based on your needs and interests. This can lead to cost savings.

Leaving a digital footprint means sacrificing some privacy. Your online actions are visible, and third parties can track you. Constant ads and information bombardment can be annoying. Imagine browsing for shoes and then seeing shoe ads everywhere! Purchase behavior data might affect credit limits or interest rates. If you shop impulsively, it could impact your financial standing.

Here are some tips to safeguard your digital presence:

  • Clear Cookies and Browsing History: Regularly delete tracking cookies and browsing history from your computer.
  • Review Social Network Settings: Stay updated on security features and settings for social networks.
  • Use Secure Passwords: Unique passwords for each login, changed regularly, enhance security.
  • Opt for Cash: Use cash instead of credit cards for certain transactions.
  • Remember Public Posts: Even if your social network settings are private, remember that anything posted is stored on servers.